• Mindfulness,  Yoga

    Why Yoga and Meditation Belong Together:

    My dog trainer once said to me that a happy dog is a calm dog and a calm dog is one that is balanced both mentally and physically. As much as we humans might think we are different from our pets, in this respect, we are very much the same. We need a proper diet, proper exercise and proper mental stimulation to lead a happy and healthy life. When we are happy and healthy, we are calm. Pretty simple. This is why I have a yoga and meditation practice, it creates balance in my life. Going to yoga is like taking myself on a walk. But it doesn’t stop there,…

  • Books,  Philosophy,  Yoga

    The Philosophy of Yoga

    The Philosophy of Yoga “What even is the philosophy of yoga?” A Philosophy Ph.D and a good friend of mine had inquired in a casual conversation between the two of us, “What even is the philosophy of yoga?” I can see how the confusion would arise. Modern day philosophy at the university level is mostly analytical symbolic logic and science (yes, I realize this is a gross generalization. Philosophy is many things but for this sake, just go with me). Then, there is yoga. In the west, is yoga is often seen as a trendy exercise. However, in the east and as a tradition, yoga is much more than asana (poses), it’s…